I have never thought of walking as a super power, but while I was doing more research to understand all the benefits of walking, I saw someone say this. And loved it! There are so many great benefits to walking, in addition to increasing blood flow, oxygen levels and energy - all the makings of a Super Hero. Below are highlights of the benefits, where to start, how to gear it towards weight loss and how to create different walking routines.
Walking Benefits
Walking helps strengthen your immune system, decrease risks of dementia, improves circulation and strengthens your heart and bones. It improves sleep, energy, mental health and also boosts creativity. Walking aides in weight loss by improving digestion, controlling blood sugars and burning calories. Walking, especially outdoors, reduces stress and improves over mental health and productivity.
Another dietary benefit of walking is that it helps to control blood sugar. Food gets broken down into simple sugars and sent to the blood stream. Walking, even at slow pace, will activate the muscles to help uptake the blood sugar. Walking at faster paces is more closely linked to helping decrease risk for diabetes type 2. Studies show that a 10-min stroll after dinner helps this and also improves overall digestion and constipation symptoms.
Walking plays in integral part in your energy, mood and mental health. It helps with emotional regulation by increasing dopamine – the happy hormone (also helpful for sleep!) and decreasing levels of cortisol (stress hormone) to help restore equilibrium. Regular walking also provides a time out from over stimulation which will help calm the nervous system.
Try using walks as a recovery tool if you like to engage in high intensity activity. This works in a similar way to helps to balance your energy and calm the nervous system from intense workouts. Some research shows that avid exercises who prefer high intensity workouts are often sedentary during the other 22-23 hours between workouts. Walking helps to increase activity throughout the entire day while also providing an active recovery.
Feel fatigued Mid-Day? Walk! Walking increases both heart rate and oxygen which helps to increase energy levels. Leaving the house or office to walk outside adds the extra benefit of natural sun light for more of a boost.
Walking is often overlooked as form of exercise, but it is one of the easiest ways to be more active, lose weight and become healthier. It is a great way to build stamina, burn excess calories and make your heart healthier. And you just need sneakers (or even barefoot on the beach)! Walking can be done in a neighborhood, mall or even large stores (Target, Home Depot). Try little things like adding a lap around the store before you start shopping or
parking further away than you usually would.Â
Where to Start?
Start at an average (comfortable) pace for a distance of 1 mile, continuing for 7-10 days at that speed and distance. Continue to time yourself and increase your pace or distance every 7-10 days as long as you remain pain free. Just increase one at a time so that you can gauge how your body is reacting to the increased exercise. You can also begin to alternate leisurely walking with brisk walking. This promotes interval training with has increased benefits for fat loss and cardiovascular health
Plan Your Routine and Stay Motivated!
Look ahead at your schedule, and make time for 30-minute walks. Plan at least 2-3 into your week as though these were appointments that you cannot miss. Planning ahead is the best way to commit to starting and being consistent. Start with an easy flat course, avoiding hills and uneven ground. If you plan on walking at a brisker pace, take 3-5 minutes walking at a slower pace to allow your body and muscles to warm up.
Stay motivated to set yourself up for success. Begin with shorter slow walks, broken up throughout the day, especially if you are just starting or have a hectic schedule it can be easier to fit these in. You can make walking more enjoyable by asking a friend, or finding a podcast or audio book that interests you. Try to vary your routine to decrease boredom. Find different outdoor paths or routes, try a new neighborhood or even walk your favorite
loop in a different direction. Add in hills or stairs; or begin to increase your pace as you feel comfortable to help increase the challenge.Â
Don’t over look walking! Between the mental and overall health benefits, and ability to do anywhere, considering using it for your go to. It is your key to increased energy, immunity, weight management and better mental health.
It is your super power!