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Restorative Poses (Print)

restorative yoga pose

Legs up the Wall: (Viparita Karani)

Sit sideways with your hips close to the wall, then lie onto your side.  Elevate the legs up the wall as you roll onto your back.  The closer the hips to the wall, the bigger the stretch.  Slide the hips back if there is any pain or discomfort in the low back or legs, or use the below modification with legs on the chair.  Use a pillow under the hips, heads or arms for support.  Arms gently resting on the belly (used for cuing belly breathing) or they can be out the side, also supported on pillows for comfort.   Benefits This pose has many benefits, including reduction of headaches, migraines, insomnia, menstrual cramps and digestive disorders.  It can also help to decrease anxiety and mild depression.

restorative yoga pose

Legs on the chair

Start sitting in front of the chair, and lie onto your side. As you roll onto your back, bring your legs up on top of the chair, with calves resting on the seat of the chair. A pillow can be placed under the calves for increased comfort, or under the hips or head. Arms gently resting on the belly (used for cuing belly breathing) or they can be out the side, also supported on pillows for comfort. Benefits This pose relieves tension in the belly and pelvis, as well as balances the nervous system, and quiets the mind.

restorative yoga pose

Supported Bridge

Lie on the back, with knees bent and feet just hip-width apart. Lift the hips off the ground high enough to place a yoga block at a comfortable setting under your waistline. This block should feel comfortable where it is resting at the back. A folded pillow or several pillows can be used in place of the block. Arms gently resting on the belly (used for cuing belly breathing) or they can be out the side, also supported on pillows for comfort. Benefits This pose stretches the chest, neck, and spine. It helps to stimulate abdominal organs and lungs, and to improve digestion. It also helps to reduce anxiety and mild depression.

restorative yoga pose

Thread the Needle: Urdhva Mukha Pasasana

Begin on your hands and knees, with your knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders. Take your right hand, and thread it through the opening created by your left arm and leg, twisting towards the left side. Benefits This pose increases spine mobility, mostly in the thoracic or upper spine and helps to alleviate tension in the neck and back. It relaxes the body and quiets the mind, and helps to relieve stress.

restorative yoga pose

Deer Pose: Mrigasana

Begin by sitting with your hips rotated out so that your feet come together. Take your left leg, and slide it around and behind you, so that it is in the opposite direction. Modification: You can reach forward to increase the stretch to both hips. Benefits This pose helps to improve hip flexibility, and is thought of as a hip opener. It helps to aid in digestion and to relieve gas.

restorative yoga pose

Puppy Pose: Uttana Shishosana

Begin on your hands and knees, with your knees under your hips. Keeping your lower body still, walk your hands away from your legs, stretching through the lower back. Maintain the knees under the hips, do not shift your lower body weight forward. Benefits This pose releases tension from the shoulders and back by stretching both these areas. This also helps to calm the body, relieving stress and anxiety, as well as reduce insomnia.

Stretching Poses (Print)

stretching yoga pose
stretching yoga pose

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Big toes are touching behind you and knees are spread to the edges of the mat. Stretch your arms forward, and press your hips back to your feet. Breath into your belly, inhaling and lengthening through the pelvic floor musculature, and then contracting through the pelvic floor on the exhale. Modifications include arms crossed under your forehead (you can also add a pillow/block) or using 1-2 pillows under hips to elevate your hips (recommended with knee/hip problems/tightness). Another alternative is to straight the legs completely, and let toes fall out to the sides of the mat. Benefits: This is a restful and restorative pose, helping to decrease stress and anxiety. It also stretches and releases tension from the back.

stretching yoga pose
stretching yoga pose

Squat Pose (Malasana)

Feet are slightly wider than hip-width, with toes slightly turned out. Sink your bottom towards the ground, with hands at the heart’s center and using elbows to press the knees out. Relax through the lower spine and lengthen the tailbone to the ground. Modifications include the use of a block or stool to support you or can be done lying on your back and pulling your knees into your chest, drawing them towards the outside of your body or armpits. Benefits This pose facilitates improvements in posture and to promote calmness in the body. It aids to boost metabolism as well as helps with the elimination of waste from the body.

stretching yoga pose
stretching yoga pose

Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)

Lying on your back, exhale and bring your knees into your chest. Reach for the outsides of both feet with your hands, drawing your knees towards your shoulders. Relax through your lower back, lengthening through your spine to keep your back flat on the floor. Modifications include reaching to the backs of your calves or thighs. You can also come into the pose with one leg at a time (reaching for the foot, calf or thigh) while trying to keep the opposite hip down. Benefits This pose works to lengthen the muscles of the pelvic girdle, groin, and inner hips to reduce tension. It helps to soothe the spine, reduce stress, and relieve fatigue.

stretching yoga pose
stretching yoga pose

Wide Leg Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Stand with feet at a comfortable spot wider than hip-width, and feet slightly turned out. Pull up through the pelvic floor and core, and fold forward reaching your hands to the floor, yoga blocks or a chair. Benefits Forward folds stretch the back and hamstrings. They help to stimulate internal organs, increase circulation to the pelvic organs and help to calm the mind and body. lengthen the muscles of the pelvic girdle, groin, and inner hips to reduce tension. It helps to soothe the spine, reduce stress, and relieve fatigue.

stretching yoga pose

Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

Start in a half-kneeling position. Tighten through your core, and tuck your hips under. Lean into the forward leg, checking that your foot far enough in front of you that your knee does not come over your toes. Keep the core tight and lengthen through the spine. Modifications include a pillow under the knee to reduce strain or a chair on the side for balance. Benefits This pose stretches the anterior hip musculature and releases tension in the hips. It also aids to focus the mind and works to improve balance.

stretching yoga pose

Reclining Pigeon Pose (Supta Kapotasana)

Lying on your back with one knee bend, place the opposite ankle on that thigh. Stay here if you feel a stretch, or reach behind the thigh of the bent knee and pull that leg towards you, to increase the stretch on the opposite side. Benefits This pose releases tension in the lower back and hips, as well as increases blood flow. It also helps to improve digestion.

stretching yoga pose
stretching yoga pose

Bound Ankle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Begin lying on your back, knees are bent, and feet flat on the ground. Rest your hands on your belly and slowly let your knees fall out to the sides. Modifications include pillows or blocks under the knees. Benefits This pose will stretch through the groin and inner thighs. It stimulates abdominal organs, as well as improves circulation and respiration. It can help to reduce symptoms associated with menopause, menstrual cramps as well as aide to relieve stress and mild depression.

stretching yoga pose
stretching yoga pose

Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendranasa)

Lying on your back with legs straight, pull the right knee into your chest and then over to the left side of your body. Arms reach out to the side and gaze falls to the opposite side of the legs. Modifications: To increase the stretch, wrap the right leg around the left leg before letting your knees fall towards the left. You can use a pillow, bolster or block under the right leg to decrease strain to low back and hips. Benefits This pose lengthens the spine and releases the posterior hips. It improves digestion and calms the mind.

stretching yoga pose
stretching yoga pose

Seated Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Start in a seated position with both legs out straight. Place your right leg on the ground outside of your left thigh. Begin here, and then work to twist towards your right, bringing your left hand to the outside of the right knee. Modifications: To advance this pose, you can bend your bottom leg or extend the top leg holding on to the outside of the foot during the twist. You can modify it with the knee placed inside the thigh for a gentle stretch. If there is any pain in the back or neck, avoid twisting. Benefits This pose helps to stimulate the liver and kidneys, as well as stimulating digestion. It stretches the shoulders, hips and neck. This pose is also said to relieve menstrual discomfort, fatigue, sciatica, and backache and aid with infertility.

stretching yoga pose
stretching yoga pose

Pigeon Pose (Kapotasana)

Begin on your hands and knees (or you can also start in Downward Facing Dog). Bring your right knee to your right wrist with your right foot towards the left side. Use your hands at either side of your hips to square them off, and then settle your hips down to the ground. Modifications: Add a block or bolster under your hip to allow for more support, and to increased the intensity of the stretch. After squaring your hips, you can lean forward into Sleeping Pigeon Pose to increase the intensity of the stretch. Benefits This pose helps to increase flexibility throughout the hips and lower back. It is believed to help with digestion, as well as to relieve anxiety, stress and fear.

stretching yoga pose
stretching yoga pose

Butterfly (Bound Ankle):Baddha Konasana

Begin in a seated posture, bring both feet together in front of your body. Relax your knees towards the groin to open up through the hips. Modifications: Place a block under each knee to create a gentler stretch, or sit on the block or a bolster to decrease strain to hips and lower back. Benefits This pose helps to open the hips by stretching the inner thighs and groin muscles. It helps to improve circulation to the lower body and pelvic floor muscles.

stretching yoga pose

Seated Wide Legged Forward Fold (Upavistha Konasana)

Sit on the ground, with both legs straight and stretching in opposite directions. Begin by sitting up tall, and keeping your back straight and you walk your hands forward to deepen the stretch. Modifications: Use a bolster and yoga block to create a ramp to rest your chest on. You can also sit on a yoga block or bolster to decrease tension through the hips. Benefits This pose opens through the hips and groin, as well as stretches the lower back. It helps to stimulate the abdominal organs, and calms the nervous system. It helps to improve digestion, and relieve symptoms of menopause.

stretching yoga pose
stretching yoga pose

Seated Forward Fold (Caterpillar): Paschimottanasana

Sit with your legs extended in front of you. Stay here, or deepen the stretch by reaching towards your feet. Modifications: Place a yoga block or bolster at your knees to reduce the stretch to your hamstrings. You can also use a yoga strap, belt or towel in your hands and around your feet. Benefits This pose stretches the hamstrings and back of the legs. It stimulates the abdominal organs and digestion. It also helps to calm the nervous system, decreasing anxiety and headaches. It stimulates the reproductive and urinary system, benefiting menstrual cramps, menopause symptoms and infertility.

Strengthening Poses (Print)

strengthening yoga pose

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Feet can be hip-width (2 fists) apart, or big toes can touch with heels slightly turned out. Press down through the heels, and pull up through the muscles of the front of the thighs. Pull up through the core and pelvic floor, and length through the spine. Using a block at the inner thighs helps to integrate core and pelvic floor contractions. Benefits This pose improves posture, balance, and strength in the legs and core.

strengthening yoga pose

Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Begin with feet hip-width apart (2 fists distance) and sink hips back as you would to sit in a chair. You want to be able to see your toes, to ensure that your knees are coming forward and that your weight is in your heels. Pull into the belly, and lengthen tailbone towards the ground. Hands reaching up, with shoulders pulling down and back. Modifications include a yoga block between the thighs, or arms crossed at the chest. Benefits This pose helps to strengthen the legs and feet. It also stimulates the heart, diaphragm, and abdominal organs.

strengthening yoga pose

Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)

Start standing with the right foot facing forward, and the left foot turned out (creating a heel to arch alignment, same base stance as Warrior II). Place your feet wide from the front to the back of the mat, at a comfortable distance. Reach the right hand forward, to lengthen the right side body and then down towards the ground. Rotating the chest and ribs upwards. Modifications: Use a block under your hand to improve stability and decrease strain to hips. Benefits This pose stretches the inner thighs, hips and low back. It helps to activate core muscles, improving balance and stability. It stimulates the abdominal organs, improving digestion and constipation. It can help to decrease back pain and symptoms of menopause. It aids in anxiety and infertility.

strengthening yoga pose

Warrior I (Virabhadrasana)

Begin with your right foot forward at 12 o’clock, and your back left foot out to an angle (around 2 o’clock). Make sure that your feet are at hip width distance from right to left on your mat (think railroad tracks not tight rope!). Pull your left hip forward, and engage your core to keep our hips level. Hands can reach overhead, or be at the heart’s center. Pull shoulders down and back, away from the ears. Benefits This pose stretches hips and inner legs, as well as tones the legs, arms and core muscles. This pose also helps to decrease stress and improve metabolism.

strengthening yoga pose

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana)

The front foot is at 12 o’clock, and the back foot is angled towards the side of mat, or 9 o’clock position. Feet are in heel to arch alignment, hips opening towards the side of the mat. Pull into the core, lengthen the tail bone towards the mat and rotate the thighs open to the wall behind. Pull shoulder blades together as arms reach out at shoulder level, palms down, shoulders away from the ears. Benefits This pose will open the hips and groin, and strengthen through the legs and arms. It helps to open the chest and lungs to improve circulation and respiration. This pose is also said to stimulate the abdominal organs.

strengthening yoga pose
strengthening yoga pose

Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

Begin with right foot forward at 12 o’clock, and back left foot also facing forward. Feet are hip width distance apart right to left. Bend into the front knee as you come onto the ball of the back left foot. Pull into the core to rotate the right hip forward, feeling a stretch in the front of that leg. Make sure that the front knee is not forward over the toe, or caving inwards toward the left. Modification: This pose can be done with the back knee resting on the ground, for low lunge. Benefits This pose helps to stretch the hips and groin, as well as open the front of the body. It strengthens and tones the legs, arms, and core.

strengthening yoga pose
strengthening yoga pose

Crescent Lunge Twist (Parivrtta Anjaneyasana)

Start with a Crescent Lunge set up. Pulling into the core, lengthen through the trunk as you twist towards the front leg. Hands can be at heart center, or you can open them up to increase the stretch. Keep the core tight and the front hip pulling back. Modified: This pose can be done with the back knee resting on the ground, for low lunge. Benefits This pose helps for stretch and tone the legs, hip and core as well as open the chest and stretch the upper back. Twisting poses also help to remove toxins and improve digestion.

Yoga for Constipation (Print)

yoga pose for constipation
yoga pose for constipation
Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)

Lying on your back, exhale and bring your knees into your chest. Reach for the outsides of both feet with your hands, drawing your knees towards your shoulders. Relax through your lower back, lengthening through your spine to keep your back flat on the floor. Modifications include reaching to the backs of your calves or thighs. You can also come into the pose with one leg at a time (reaching for the foot, calf or thigh) while trying to keep the opposite hip down. Benefits This pose works to lengthen the muscles of the pelvic girdle, groin, and inner hips to reduce tension. It helps to soothe the spine, reduce stress, and relieve fatigue.

yoga pose for constipation
yoga pose for constipation
Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendranasa)

Lying on your back with legs straight, pull the right knee into your chest and then over to the left side of your body. Arms reach out to the side and gaze falls to the opposite side of the legs. Modifications: To increase the stretch, wrap the right leg around the left leg before letting your knees fall towards the left. You can use a pillow, bolster or block under the right leg to decrease strain to low back and hips. Benefits This pose lengthens the spine and releases the posterior hips. It improves digestion and calms the mind.

yoga pose for constipation
Thread the Needle: Urdhva Mukha Pasasana

Begin on your hands and knees, with your knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders. Take your right hand, and thread it through the opening created by your left arm and leg, twisting towards the left side. Benefits This pose increases spine mobility, mostly in the thoracic or upper spine and helps to alleviate tension in the neck and back. It relaxes the body and quiets the mind, and helps to relieve stress.

yoga pose for constipation
yoga pose for constipation
Seated Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Start in a seated position with both legs out straight. Place your right leg on the ground outside of your left thigh. Begin here, and then work to twist towards your right, bringing your left hand to the outside of the right knee. Modifications: To advance this pose, you can bend your bottom leg or extend the top leg holding on to the outside of the foot during the twist. You can modify it with the knee placed inside the thigh for a gentle stretch. If there is any pain in the back or neck, avoid twisting. Benefits This pose helps to stimulate the liver and kidneys, as well as stimulating digestion. It stretches the shoulders, hips and neck. This pose is also said to relieve menstrual discomfort, fatigue, sciatica, and backache and aid with infertility.

yoga pose for constipation
Deer Pose: Mrigasana

Begin by sitting with your hips rotated out so that your feet come together. Take your left leg, and slide it around and behind you, so that it is in the opposite direction. Modification: You can reach forward to increase the stretch to both hips. Benefits This pose helps to improve hip flexibility, and is thought of as a hip opener. It helps to aid in digestion and to relieve gas.

yoga pose for constipation
yoga pose for constipation
Crescent Lunge Twist (Parivrtta Anjaneyasana)

Start with a Crescent Lunge set up. Pulling into the core, lengthen through the trunk as you twist towards the front leg. Hands can be at heart center, or you can open them up to increase the stretch. Keep the core tight and the front hip pulling back. Modified: This pose can be done with the back knee resting on the ground, for low lunge. Benefits This pose helps for stretch and tone the legs, hip and core as well as open the chest and stretch the upper back. Twisting poses also help to remove toxins and improve digestion.

Yoga for Constipation

Tight Pelvic Floor (Print)

yoga pose for tight pelvic floor
yoga pose for tight pelvic floor

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Big toes are touching behind you and knees are spread to the edges of the mat. Stretch your arms forward, and press your hips back to your feet. Breath into your belly, inhaling and lengthening through the pelvic floor musculature, and then contracting through the pelvic floor on the exhale. Modifications include arms crossed under your forehead (you can also add a pillow/block) or using 1-2 pillows under hips to elevate your hips (recommended with knee/hip problems/tightness). Another alternative is to straight the legs completely, and let toes fall out to the sides of the mat. Benefits: This is a restful and restorative pose, helping to decrease stress and anxiety. It also stretches and releases tension from the back.

yoga pose for tight pelvic floor
yoga pose for tight pelvic floor

Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)

Lying on your back, exhale and bring your knees into your chest. Reach for the outsides of both feet with your hands, drawing your knees towards your shoulders. Relax through your lower back, lengthening through your spine to keep your back flat on the floor. Modifications include reaching to the backs of your calves or thighs. You can also come into the pose with one leg at a time (reaching for the foot, calf or thigh) while trying to keep the opposite hip down. Benefits This pose works to lengthen the muscles of the pelvic girdle, groin, and inner hips to reduce tension. It helps to soothe the spine, reduce stress, and relieve fatigue.

yoga pose for tight pelvic floor
yoga pose for tight pelvic floor

Butterfly (Bound Ankle):Baddha Konasana

Begin in a seated posture, bring both feet together in front of your body. Relax your knees towards the groin to open up through the hips. Modifications: Place a block under each knee to create a gentler stretch, or sit on the block or a bolster to decrease strain to hips and lower back. Benefits This pose helps to open the hips by stretching the inner thighs and groin muscles. It helps to improve circulation to the lower body and pelvic floor muscles.

yoga pose for tight pelvic floor
yoga pose for tight pelvic floor

Bound Ankle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Begin lying on your back, knees are bent, and feet flat on the ground. Rest your hands on your belly and slowly let your knees fall out to the sides. Modifications include pillows or blocks under the knees. Benefits This pose will stretch through the groin and inner thighs. It stimulates abdominal organs, as well as improves circulation and respiration. It can help to reduce symptoms associated with menopause, menstrual cramps as well as aide to relieve stress and mild depression.

yoga pose for tight pelvic floor
yoga pose for tight pelvic floor

Squat Pose (Malasana)

Feet are slightly wider than hip-width, with toes slightly turned out. Sink your bottom towards the ground, with hands at the heart’s center and using elbows to press the knees out. Relax through the lower spine and lengthen the tailbone to the ground. Modifications include the use of a block or stool to support you or can be done lying on your back and pulling your knees into your chest, drawing them towards the outside of your body or armpits. Benefits This pose facilitates improvements in posture and to promote calmness in the body. It aids to boost metabolism as well as helps with the elimination of waste from the body.

yoga pose for tight pelvic floor

Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

Start in a half-kneeling position. Tighten through your core, and tuck your hips under. Lean into the forward leg, checking that your foot far enough in front of you that your knee does not come over your toes. Keep the core tight and lengthen through the spine. Modifications include a pillow under the knee to reduce strain or a chair on the side for balance. Benefits This pose stretches the anterior hip musculature and releases tension in the hips. It also aids to focus the mind and works to improve balance.

Pelvic Floor Prolapse (Print)

yoga pose for pelvic floor prolapse

Legs up the Wall: (Viparita Karani)

Sit sideways with your hips close to the wall, then lie onto your side.  Elevate the legs up the wall as you roll onto your back.  The closer the hips to the wall, the bigger the stretch.  Slide the hips back if there is any pain or discomfort in the low back or legs, or use the below modification with legs on the chair.  Use a pillow under the hips, heads or arms for support.  Arms gently resting on the belly (used for cuing belly breathing) or they can be out the side, also supported on pillows for comfort.   Benefits This pose has many benefits, including reduction of headaches, migraines, insomnia, menstrual cramps and digestive disorders.  It can also help to decrease anxiety and mild depression.

yoga pose for pelvic floor prolapse

Legs on the chair

Start sitting in front of the chair, and lie onto your side. As you roll onto your back, bring your legs up on top of the chair, with calves resting on the seat of the chair. A pillow can be placed under the calves for increased comfort, or under the hips or head. Arms gently resting on the belly (used for cuing belly breathing) or they can be out the side, also supported on pillows for comfort. Benefits This pose relieves tension in the belly and pelvis, as well as balances the nervous system, and quiets the mind.

yoga pose for pelvic floor prolapse

Supported Bridge

Lie on the back, with knees bent and feet just hip-width apart. Lift the hips off the ground high enough to place a yoga block at a comfortable setting under your waistline. This block should feel comfortable where it is resting at the back. A folded pillow or several pillows can be used in place of the block. Arms gently resting on the belly (used for cuing belly breathing) or they can be out the side, also supported on pillows for comfort. Benefits This pose stretches the chest, neck, and spine. It helps to stimulate abdominal organs and lungs, and to improve digestion. It also helps to reduce anxiety and mild depression.

yoga pose for pelvic floor prolapse
yoga pose for pelvic floor prolapse

Bound Ankle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Begin lying on your back, knees are bent, and feet flat on the ground. Rest your hands on your belly and slowly let your knees fall out to the sides. Modifications include pillows or blocks under the knees. Benefits This pose will stretch through the groin and inner thighs. It stimulates abdominal organs, as well as improves circulation and respiration. It can help to reduce symptoms associated with menopause, menstrual cramps as well as aide to relieve stress and mild depression.

yoga pose for pelvic floor prolapse
yoga pose for pelvic floor prolapse

Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendranasa)

Lying on your back with legs straight, pull the right knee into your chest and then over to the left side of your body. Arms reach out to the side and gaze falls to the opposite side of the legs. Modifications: To increase the stretch, wrap the right leg around the left leg before letting your knees fall towards the left. You can use a pillow, bolster or block under the right leg to decrease strain to low back and hips. Benefits This pose lengthens the spine and releases the posterior hips. It improves digestion and calms the mind.

yoga pose for pelvic floor prolapse

Reclining Pigeon Pose (Supta Kapotasana)

Lying on your back with one knee bend, place the opposite ankle on that thigh. Stay here if you feel a stretch, or reach behind the thigh of the bent knee and pull that leg towards you, to increase the stretch on the opposite side. Benefits This pose releases tension in the lower back and hips, as well as increases blood flow. It also helps to improve digestion.

Menstrual Cramps & Menopause (Print)

yoga pose for menstrual cramps and menopause
yoga pose for menstrual cramps and menopause

Seated Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Start in a seated position with both legs out straight. Place your right leg on the ground outside of your left thigh. Begin here, and then work to twist towards your right, bringing your left hand to the outside of the right knee. Modifications: To advance this pose, you can bend your bottom leg or extend the top leg holding on to the outside of the foot during the twist. You can modify it with the knee placed inside the thigh for a gentle stretch. If there is any pain in the back or neck, avoid twisting. Benefits This pose helps to stimulate the liver and kidneys, as well as stimulating digestion. It stretches the shoulders, hips and neck. This pose is also said to relieve menstrual discomfort, fatigue, sciatica, and backache and aid with infertility.

yoga pose for menstrual cramps and menopause
yoga pose for menstrual cramps and menopause

Seated Forward Fold (Caterpillar): Paschimottanasana

Sit with your legs extended in front of you. Stay here, or deepen the stretch by reaching towards your feet. Modifications: Place a yoga block or bolster at your knees to reduce the stretch to your hamstrings. You can also use a yoga strap, belt or towel in your hands and around your feet. Benefits This pose stretches the hamstrings and back of the legs. It stimulates the abdominal organs and digestion. It also helps to calm the nervous system, decreasing anxiety and headaches. It stimulates the reproductive and urinary system, benefiting menstrual cramps, menopause symptoms and infertility.

yoga pose for menstrual cramps and menopause
yoga pose for menstrual cramps and menopause

Bound Ankle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Begin lying on your back, knees are bent, and feet flat on the ground. Rest your hands on your belly and slowly let your knees fall out to the sides. Modifications include pillows or blocks under the knees. Benefits This pose will stretch through the groin and inner thighs. It stimulates abdominal organs, as well as improves circulation and respiration. It can help to reduce symptoms associated with menopause, menstrual cramps as well as aide to relieve stress and mild depression.

yoga pose for menstrual cramps and menopause

Butterfly up the wall

yoga pose for menstrual cramps and menopause
yoga pose for menstrual cramps and menopause

Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendranasa)

Lying on your back with legs straight, pull the right knee into your chest and then over to the left side of your body. Arms reach out to the side and gaze falls to the opposite side of the legs. Modifications: To increase the stretch, wrap the right leg around the left leg before letting your knees fall towards the left. You can use a pillow, bolster or block under the right leg to decrease strain to low back and hips. Benefits This pose lengthens the spine and releases the posterior hips. It improves digestion and calms the mind.

yoga pose for menstrual cramps and menopause
yoga pose for menstrual cramps and menopause

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Big toes are touching behind you and knees are spread to the edges of the mat. Stretch your arms forward, and press your hips back to your feet. Breath into your belly, inhaling and lengthening through the pelvic floor musculature, and then contracting through the pelvic floor on the exhale. Modifications include arms crossed under your forehead (you can also add a pillow/block) or using 1-2 pillows under hips to elevate your hips (recommended with knee/hip problems/tightness). Another alternative is to straight the legs completely, and let toes fall out to the sides of the mat. Benefits: This is a restful and restorative pose, helping to decrease stress and anxiety. It also stretches and releases tension from the back.

Stress (Print)

yoga pose for stress

Puppy Pose: Uttana Shishosana

Begin on your hands and knees, with your knees under your hips. Keeping your lower body still, walk your hands away from your legs, stretching through the lower back. Maintain the knees under the hips, do not shift your lower body weight forward. Benefits This pose releases tension from the shoulders and back by stretching both these areas. This also helps to calm the body, relieving stress and anxiety, as well as reduce insomnia.

yoga pose for stress

Thread the Needle: Urdhva Mukha Pasasana

Begin on your hands and knees, with your knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders. Take your right hand, and thread it through the opening created by your left arm and leg, twisting towards the left side. Benefits This pose increases spine mobility, mostly in the thoracic or upper spine and helps to alleviate tension in the neck and back. It relaxes the body and quiets the mind, and helps to relieve stress.

yoga pose for stress
yoga pose for stress

Wide Leg Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Stand with feet at a comfortable spot wider than hip-width, and feet slightly turned out. Pull up through the pelvic floor and core, and fold forward reaching your hands to the floor, yoga blocks or a chair. Benefits Forward folds stretch the back and hamstrings. They help to stimulate internal organs, increase circulation to the pelvic organs and help to calm the mind and body. lengthen the muscles of the pelvic girdle, groin, and inner hips to reduce tension. It helps to soothe the spine, reduce stress, and relieve fatigue.

yoga pose for stress
yoga pose for stress

Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendranasa)

Lying on your back with legs straight, pull the right knee into your chest and then over to the left side of your body. Arms reach out to the side and gaze falls to the opposite side of the legs. Modifications: To increase the stretch, wrap the right leg around the left leg before letting your knees fall towards the left. You can use a pillow, bolster or block under the right leg to decrease strain to low back and hips. Benefits This pose lengthens the spine and releases the posterior hips. It improves digestion and calms the mind.

yoga pose for stress

Legs up the Wall: (Viparita Karani)

Sit sideways with your hips close to the wall, then lie onto your side.  Elevate the legs up the wall as you roll onto your back.  The closer the hips to the wall, the bigger the stretch.  Slide the hips back if there is any pain or discomfort in the low back or legs, or use the below modification with legs on the chair.  Use a pillow under the hips, heads or arms for support.  Arms gently resting on the belly (used for cuing belly breathing) or they can be out the side, also supported on pillows for comfort.   Benefits This pose has many benefits, including reduction of headaches, migraines, insomnia, menstrual cramps and digestive disorders.  It can also help to decrease anxiety and mild depression.

yoga pose for stress
yoga pose for stress

Bound Ankle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Begin lying on your back, knees are bent, and feet flat on the ground. Rest your hands on your belly and slowly let your knees fall out to the sides. Modifications include pillows or blocks under the knees. Benefits This pose will stretch through the groin and inner thighs. It stimulates abdominal organs, as well as improves circulation and respiration. It can help to reduce symptoms associated with menopause, menstrual cramps as well as aide to relieve stress and mild depression.

Workout Videos / Links

recommended tabata workout

This short workout covers arms and legs with weights, cardio and core. I like to start with 15lbs and then I switch to 10lb for the last round. Sometimes I like to repeat the first 4 rounds to lengthen the workout. Watch out for a lot of overhead lifting - start with low weights. Favorite move: retro lunge with overhead press, make sure you are activating your core first!

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